Tag Archives: policy

Seminar at Ohio State University on residential PV & batteries

August 2021

I am grateful to my friend and collaborator at the IET Renewable Power Generation journal, Prof. Ramteen Sioshansi for kindly inviting me to offer a seminar at the Dept. of Integrated Systems Engineering at Ohio State University on November 10. I will talk about my earlier work at CMU on the Dept. of Energy SHINES project, on how batteries can allow residential end-customers to widely benefit from behind-the-meter photovoltaics. Reducing the costly effects of demand charges promises additional value to that of net-metering or self-consumption from photovoltaics, while the policy implications offer much food for thought on the role of utilities, cooperatives and/or microgrids.

Depending on the situation with COVID the seminar might be in-person, so follow me on Twitter & LinkedIn for updates.

Appointed to the IEEE-USA Energy Policy Committee

December 2020

I am joining the IEEE USA Energy Policy Committee (EPC), following the particularly honoring nomination by Prof. Parisini, President of the IEEE Control Systems Society. I am looking forward to serve my role in resolving the energy challenges in the US by offering my best technical counsel.

The IEEE-USA EPC publishes position statements and white papers targeted at the legislative and executive branches of the US government and revolves around the matters of energy modernization and diversification, workforce training and advancement, security of infrastructure, promoting technology innovations, and reducing barriers in implementing all of the above.