Tag Archives: electricity

Special Issue at the Intl. Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems

June 2022

I am kindly inviting you all to submit your works to the Special Issue on “Novel Protection and Control Methodologies towards Electrical Grids with Net-Zero Carbon Emissions” at the International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems of the Elsevier publications. Here is the link to the call for papers. You may submit your novel contributions (full manuscripts) starting July 1st and by 30 Sep, 2022, on any of the following subjects:

  • Online/real-time monitoring and situational awareness solutions (detection and location of system oscillation, fault level monitoring and quantification, inertia measurement, etc.),
  • Analyzing and characterizing fault behavior and the novel protection strategies and solutions,
  • Converter control-based solutions to support protection operation,
  • Electrical grid design and assessment for robust point of common coupling impedance behavior,
  • New coordinating control solutions,
  • Methods for assessment of resilience,
  • New protection and control solutions during extreme weather/operating conditions and
  • New ICT technologies for protection.

I am grateful to my friend Dr. Qiteng Hong (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow), as also, Dr. Botong Li (Tianjin University), who are the Guest EiCs of this special issue and kindly invited me to serve with them on the editorial board. You may contact me for any additional details for works you would like to submit.

Seminar at Bits & Watts (Stanford) on Machine Learning & AI for Power Systems

January 2022

I am very excited with Dr. Liang Min‘s invitation to present my Smart Grid works on power system control with machine learning and artificial intelligence in the framework of the Bits & Watts Initiative at Stanford! The seminar will take place on Feb. 24th and I will go over the use of top-down heuristically inducted binary decision trees to procure firm capacity by renewables with volatility, and on how voltage control can be modeled as a problem of classical mechanics physics. I look forward to hearing attendees’ ideas and thoughts on other machine learning and AI applications in power system optimization, planning and control.

The seminar will be in-person, so if you are faculty, student & researcher at Stanford and would like us to meet before/after the seminar, please, do not hesitate to reach out!

Seminar at RPI on Power System Control with Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

August 2021

I want to thank Prof. Mona Mostafa Hella and Dr. Luigi Vanfretti, my friend and collaborator at the North American Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI), for inviting me to offer a seminar at the Dept. of Electrical, Computer & Systems Engineering at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on September 29th. I will review 2 of my works on generation control with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). I will start by discussing how to use top-down heuristically inducted binary decision trees of ML to actively control firm capacity by volatile resources operated (among others units) as a Virtual Power Plant. In the second part, I will present how voltage control can be modeled as a problem of classical mechanics physics; from there it can be solved as an AI implementation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics to redispatch active and reactive power generation. I plan to spark a discussion on conceiving new ML applications and AI models for power system operational control and monitoring.

The seminar will be virtual, but I will make myself available to all faculty, students & researchers of RPI, who would like us to talk before/after the seminar, so, please, do not hesitate to reach out!

Appointed Regional Editor at IET RPG Journal

January 2021

I am delighted to report that the Editor- and Deputy-Editor-in-Chief at the Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET) Renewable Power Generation (RPG) journal have appointed me Regional Editor of these publications for North America. I am humbled by the role and will work hard to promote the activities of the journal.

This appointment follows that of the Associate Editor in the same journal and on the subject of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems, as of my expertise on Virtual Power Plants. Although, as you may know, I am senior member, volunteer and ‘big fan’ of the IEEE, I cannot contain my enthusiasm about how the IET RPG devotes a subject and editorial team on the broader subject of hybrid renewable energy systems, especially given the fact that virtual power plants (either including renewables or not) are on the rise (see OhmConnect, Enbala, SunRun, Enel X, Stem).

Please, contact me to propose Special Issues or for questions about submissions under the subject of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems. I will be glad to help!