Tag Archives: battery

Seminar at Stevens Institute of Technology on Improving Distribution System Operation

September 2021

I am humbled by Prof. Wu‘s invitation to offer a Research Seminar at the  Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology on November 17th. I will be discussing the criticalities in the operation, maintenance and development of the distribution systems in electrical grids. Even though widespread black-outs are infrequent, customers in the US and elsewhere still suffer service interruptions that add up to many hours per year. The reasons lie in the poor monitoring of the distribution system, the limited use cases for distributed generation and storage in practice, and the lack of any resilience proposition. I will go over some of my recent and past works on the digital twin of distribution transformers, improving voltage profiles along feeders and actively controlling behind-the-meter photovoltaics and batteries of residential customers for improving energy costs and reducing line congestion.

The seminar will be held remotely, but I will be delighted to meet virtually with any student, researcher or faculty at Stevens for a one-on-one before or after the seminar. Feel free to reach out to arrange it!

Seminar at Ohio State University on residential PV & batteries

August 2021

I am grateful to my friend and collaborator at the IET Renewable Power Generation journal, Prof. Ramteen Sioshansi for kindly inviting me to offer a seminar at the Dept. of Integrated Systems Engineering at Ohio State University on November 10. I will talk about my earlier work at CMU on the Dept. of Energy SHINES project, on how batteries can allow residential end-customers to widely benefit from behind-the-meter photovoltaics. Reducing the costly effects of demand charges promises additional value to that of net-metering or self-consumption from photovoltaics, while the policy implications offer much food for thought on the role of utilities, cooperatives and/or microgrids.

Depending on the situation with COVID the seminar might be in-person, so follow me on Twitter & LinkedIn for updates.

11th IET International Renewable Power Generation Conference, 2022

Last Updated December 2021 (originally published August 2021)

Call for Papers (deadline Jan. 28t, 2022) – 2022 IET RPG Conference, London, UK

Initiatives, policy proposals, legislation and cheap capital have been defining the framework of a broad and accelerating shift towards cleaner infrastructure and processes in all sectors and aspects of society. The race to zero carbon emissions is on and organizations and consortia all around the world are bringing together experts, scholars, thought leaders and industry stakeholders to exchange views and inform each other about the what, how and when of new methods, new materials and new ideas. For the electricity sector, the shift to a future of generating fleets comprising almost exclusively of renewable energy sources (RES) is undoubted and brings about engineering challenges and policy hurdles.

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has one of the longest living journals about RES, titled Renewable Power Generation (RPG), first indexed in 2007. IET also holds a similarly named and themed conference. In its 11th instalment, the IET RPG conference seeks to answer the call to meet Net Zero Carbon future and invites all stakeholders to contribute with papers on how RES and the electricity sector as a whole can serve the most of their part towards this future.

The technical scope of the 11th IET RPG, 2022 includes:

  • Wind technology
  • PV systems technology
  • Grid integration, technologies, compliance and assessments
  • Other renewable energy sources
  • Battery and energy storage systems

Full details about the technical scope can be found here: https://rpg.theiet.org/author-information/technical-scope/

You may submit your one A4 page long abstracts here by January 28th 2022https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/2960/submitter All accepted and presented papers will be indexed in IET Inspec, IEEE Explore Digital Library and EI Compendex.