Tag Archives: batteries

Seminar at NYU on Active Distribution Grids

October 2021

I am very grateful to Dr. Yury Dvorkin for honoring me with an invitation to offer an ECE seminar at the Tandon School of Engineering at NYU coming Thursday Oct. 28th! I will talk about how our interest in distribution systems has been revived and, especially, in the challenges these networks face on a daily basis. I will point out the deep-rooted technical issues that remain unresolved when operating a distribution grid and the problematic incentives that have failed to make all end-customers more active within them. The digital twin of distribution transformers for detecting grid faults and the value proposition of hybrid photovoltaic-battery systems behind the meter of residential end-customers are two of the proposals I will discuss to address the aforementioned concerns.

The seminar will be held remotely, but if you are NYU faculty, researcher or student, feel free to reach out to arrange some online meeting on that day/afternoon.