Invited Seminars & Talks

Invited Seminars

    1. “Using Batteries to Unlock the Wide and Income-Agnostic Adoption of Photovoltaics by Residential End-Customers,” by the IEEE PES/IAS Pittsburgh Sections, 2020.
    2. “Current Trends in Distribution Networks,” by the IEEE Young Professionals & Student Branch of the Power and Energy Society of NTUA, Greece, 2020.
    3. “Rethinking Power System Architecture for Serving Exurban Residential Paradigms,” by the Metro21 Institute, CMU, USA, 2019.
    4. “Optimal Control of Virtual Power Plants based on Decision Trees” at
      • McGill University (invitation by Geza Joos), Montreal, Canada, 2019.
      • Michigan Technological University (– by Chee-Wooi Ten), USA, 2019.
      • Johns Hopkins University (– by Ben Hobbs), USA, 2018.
      • University of California at Berkeley (– by Shmuel Oren), USA, 2017.
      • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (– by George Gross), USA, 2017.
      • University of California, Los Angeles (– by Rajit Gadh), USA, 2017.
      • Princeton University (– by Vince Poor), USA, 2016.
      • California Institute of Technology (– by Adam Wierman & Steven Low), USA, 2016.
    5. “Resistance-Aware Linearized Optimal Power Flow,” at ETH, by Gabriela Hug, Zurich, 2018.

Panel Talk

  1. “Controlling and Acting on Big Data: the case of Distributed Algorithms and Wavelet Synopsis techniques,” 2019 IEEE Sustainable Power & Energy Conference (iSPEC), Beijing, 2019.


  1. “Contribution of Stochastic Renewable Energy Sources to Ancillary Services,” 1st Summer School of the Postgraduate International Programme in Physics and Electrical Engineering, Bremen, 2016.