Special Faculty at CMU/Scott

I joined Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University in the role of Special Faculty on Aug. 2018. I collaborated with the impactful leaders of Scott, Prof. Jay Whitacre and Anna Siefken (more info here).

I had been conducting research on the ABC4PV of the SHINES program and the American Made Solar Prize by the Dept. of Energy, US, with the gas and electricity transmission system operator of Portugal, REN, with Duquesne Light Company in Pittsburgh, US, with X, the moonshot factory of Google and others.

I taught 2 mini-courses, the “Management in Electric Power Systems and Electricity Markets,” offered to the College of Engineering and the Tepper School of Business, and the “Optimization Models for Power System Operation, Planning & Monitoring,” offered via the Dept. of Engineering and Public Policy.

Along with CMU students & alumni we worked on topics including optimal power system control, challenges to the expansion and reinforcement of the transmission system of the US and on methods to detect forest fires near overhead lines. You can read about those projects under the Alumni section.

Nick Alexander (Tepper 2020) presenting his project for the course “Management in Electric Power Systems and Electricity Markets”