Category Archives: Recent & Upcoming Talks

Upcoming Seminars & some recent ones

November 2023

With the start of the 2023-24 academic semester at my new academic home, the Dept. of EE at the CCNY of the CUNY,  I had little time to announce in advance and thank the hosts for inviting me to offer talks and seminars at their institutions. That been said, I owe some gratitude and will also give some heads-up for next events that you can catch me at. Here we go!

Starting from the upcoming seminars, I am delighted beyond what words can describe to be returning to Greece and Cyprus to present my recent works at the Dept. of ECE at the University of Patras on Tuesday Jan. 9th, at the Dept. of ECE at the University of Cyprus on Friday Jan. 12th, at the Dept. of ECE at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on an. 16th and, last but not least, at my alma mater the Dept. of ECE at the National Technical University of Athens (date TBD). I want to wholeheartedly thank Professors Alexandridis, Papadaskalopoulos, Aristidou, Panteli, Papagiannis and Hatziargyriou for hosting me. I look forward to meeting with old classmates and revisiting the halls in which we worked together in the mid 2010s.

As for past events, in mid May as one of my last acts at Carnegie Mellon University, I had the distinct honor to deliver a Charge to the 2021-23 Graduates of the Energy Science, Technology & Policy MSc program. Emotions overwhelmed me and I will forever carry with me the love and trust that the Program Director Prof. Paul Salvador and the numerous MSc students put in me, and my educational and mentoring efforts. Lastly, in July, at the 2023 IEEE PES General Meeting in Orlando, I contributed to three panel sessions going over results from and aspirations for my recent and earlier works on Digital Twins for grid components, Wavelet Synopses for timeseries data, and Microgrids for exurban residential communities. Many thanks to Harry Konstantinou, Masoud Nazari and Di Shi for inviting me to these highly engaging sessions.