Seminar at Stevens Institute of Technology on Improving Distribution System Operation

September 2021

I am humbled by Prof. Wu‘s invitation to offer a Research Seminar at the  Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology on November 17th. I will be discussing the criticalities in the operation, maintenance and development of the distribution systems in electrical grids. Even though widespread black-outs are infrequent, customers in the US and elsewhere still suffer service interruptions that add up to many hours per year. The reasons lie in the poor monitoring of the distribution system, the limited use cases for distributed generation and storage in practice, and the lack of any resilience proposition. I will go over some of my recent and past works on the digital twin of distribution transformers, improving voltage profiles along feeders and actively controlling behind-the-meter photovoltaics and batteries of residential customers for improving energy costs and reducing line congestion.

The seminar will be held remotely, but I will be delighted to meet virtually with any student, researcher or faculty at Stevens for a one-on-one before or after the seminar. Feel free to reach out to arrange it!